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Miss Spall

Class Teacher

Mrs Gornell

Learning Support

Mrs L Hearity

Learning Support

Welcome to Washington Class.

Class teacher: Miss Spall

TA: Mrs Hearity

Summer term PE Timetable:

  • Wednesday 09:00-10:00 (basketball)
  • Friday 09:00-10:00



Reading book must be read, signed and brought into school at least 3 times a week but ideally, we should be reading every night.

Home Learning

Spellings are posted on Seesaw every Monday and the spelling test is every Friday. Spellings should be practiced at least 3 times a week and must be posted onto Seesaw.

Curriculum Dates

  • WWII Historic Workshop- 9th April 2024
  • Wind Farm Engineer- 22nd April 2024
  • Resus Rangers First Aid- 22nd April 2024
  • Parent Coffee Morning- Musicals- 22nd May 2024
  • Whole school Musical Performance- 23rd May 2024

Plas Caerdeon 2024

Biscuit dunking science experiment for Science week.

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