Miss Harrison
Class Teacher
Mrs McKenna
Learning Support
Miss Atkinson
Learning Support
Welcome to Nursery!
We are excited to work together with you as your child begins their journey at St Aloysius.
In our Nursery, we are always busy learning and having lots of fun! Throughout the day, the children take part in short adult led sessions and then our children are busy learning through play. The children are able to access all areas of our Foundation Stage. This includes the Nursery classroom, messy room and outside area. During this time, staff will observe and interact with your child to move their learning on. We also follow the children’s interests and support their learning in adult guided activities.
Please take a look at our busy learning:
In our curriculum, there are 7 areas of learning:
Prime Areas:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
Specific Areas:
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
When your child starts Nursery, the initial focus will be on the prime areas as these must be secure before the children can make progress in the specific areas. Throughout the year our curriculum covers all seven areas of learning and we provide opportunities for the children to practise these skills in our classroom provision.
What are we learning about this term?
This half term, we are exploring superheroes and real life heroes.
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development – We are developing our friendships and learning to share and take turns. We are also talking about our super powers and what makes us special.
- Communication and Language – We are enjoying listening to lots of stories, using language in role play and developing our listening and attention skills. We are learning new vocabulary as we explore Winter, our heroes theme and as we celebrate Chinese New Year.
- Physical Development – We are learning to move our bodies in different ways and developing our fine motor skills and mark making skills through dough disco and squiggle while you wiggle.
- Literacy – We are reading ‘Supertato’ and taking part in lots of linked activities. We are also reading stories about friendship and what makes us a superhero. We will make marks using a range of media and give meaning to the marks we make.
- Maths – We are exploring numbers to 5, practising counting using 1:1 correspondence, learning to subitise small amounts and comparing, using language such as bigger and smaller.
- Understanding the World – We are continuing to learn about seasonal changes in Winter and exploring freezing and melting. We are also learning about different occupations and using them in role play. We are learning about different cultures and traditions as we celebrate Chinese New Year.
- Expressive Arts and Design – We are continuing to develop a bank of nursery rhymes and exploring different media and materials as we paint, draw and create models. We are also using role play to imagine and act out our experiences.
Key Information
We share our children’s learning on Seesaw. Please ensure you have received your log in information and you check this regularly. This celebrates the wonderful learning your child has done and provides some next steps that they can practise at home. We will also add home learning tasks on Seesaw for you to complete with your child.
You can also take a look at our school Twitter and Instagram pages to keep up to date with our time in school (@StAloysiusL36).
Snack costs £1.50 per week and is to be paid either weekly or per half term. Children receive milk, fruit and an additional snack each day such as toast, crumpets, crackers, sandwiches, etc.
If you have any questions or require any further information, please speak to Miss Harrison (EYFS Leader).
How you can help at home:
- Read stories every day at home, talk about what is happening and encourage your child to retell stories in their own words
- Sing nursery rhymes
- Encourage mark making
- Practise self help skills such as dressing/undressing independently and toileting