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Mrs McAllister

Class Teacher

Mrs Lloyd

Learning Support

Mrs Radford

Learning Support

Welcome to Edinburgh Class


PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Please wear PE shorts under the school tracksuit. Please write your child’s name on the labels of their PE kit and school uniform.

Reading books:

Reading books should be brought in every day, even if they are not finished. We check who has read each night and children should read phonics reading books on 3 different days before we will change it. This allows them to become familiar with new words and read like a storyteller. They will get a smiley every time they bring their book in and 3 when they finish!

If your child is off the RWI phonics programme, they only need to read the longer books once.


In class children are rewarded with smiley tokens for many things such as:  good behaviour, good work, good manners, reading or extra homework.  150 smileys earns a Bronze award, 300 will get a Silver award, 450 is the Gold award and 600 will achieve the Platinum award.

We aim to achieve the Bronze award by Christmas, Silver award by Easter and Gold by the end of Summer term. Children take their certificate to share with Miss Wrigley and get special stickers and a prize.

This term we will be learning about…

RE – Creation and Covenance
English – Rapunzel by Bethan Woolvin, Dark Dark Tale (poetry)
Maths – Place Value, Addition and Subtraction
Science – Animals, including humans
Geography – Our local area and Tulum, Mexico
History – Kings, Queens, Castles and Palaces
PE – Drumba, Fundamental skills.
Art – Stephen Wiltshire
DT – Design and make a moving vehicle
Music – Animals
Computing – My Online Life (Digital literacy)

How you can help at home:

Please listen to your child read every night for 10 minutes. You should also read a story to them every night as they will learn to become readers from you.

At the end of Key Stage 1, we would like children to know all number bonds within 20 and the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Children should learn to tell the time using a clock face as well as a digital clock. In Year 2, they should be able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes.

Teach your child to zip their own coat up and tie their own laces.

Important dates this term:

  • Tuesday 8th October Classes visit church to learn about Baptism
  • Friday 4th October Harvest Mass and Green Day for Alfie Rafferty Foundation
  • Thursday 10th October Disco
  • Friday 18th October Finish for half term
  • Monday 4th November return to school
  • Thursday 7th November Learning Conferences (KS1)
  • Thursday 14th November Rock Kidz
  • Monday 9th December Cardiff Class Christmas performance.
  • Thursday 12th December Christmas dinner and jumper day.
  • Wednesday 18th December Pantomime at St Helens Theatre Royal
  • Friday 20th December finish at 2pm.
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