Miss Jones
Class Teacher
Mrs Horsford
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Evans
Learning Support
Welcome to Paris Class
Hello and welcome to Paris class. My name is Miss Jones and this is my second year teaching at St. Aloysius. This school has a very special place in my heart as my family have been members of the church community for many years. In our class, we aim to live out our mission statement through trying our best in everything we do. Every day we approach our learning with a positive attitude, following in the footsteps of Jesus. I look forward to teaching all of your children this year.
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. On Mondays we will be doing gymnastics and on Wednesdays we have Coach John from Mersey Mavericks teaching us basketball,
We have spelling homework on Seesaw and a test every Tuesday.
Children can earn smiley awards for good behaviour, good work, good manners, homework etc.
150 smileys = Bronze award
300 = Silver award
450 = Gold award
600 = Platinum award.
This term we will be learning about……
In English: – Into the Forest and The Whale. We will write fiction and non-fiction texts based on these beautiful narratives.
In Maths: – Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division. We will be using different concrete resources and learn written methods for these calculations.
In science – We will learn how sound is made and travels. Our next topic is based on humas where we will be focusing on the digestive system.
In RE – From Galilee to Jerusalem, We will listen to scripture from our golden box
In History: – We will learn all about the ancient civilisation of Greece.
In Geography: – We are learning all about human migration. We will learn what migration is and what causes people to migrate along with the Windrush Generation.
In Art: – We will be painting a headdress for a pharaoh,
In Computing – We are continuing to learn about how to stay safe online and how we can protect ourselves.
How to help at Home:
- Please read with your child daily (even a couple of pages) and bring book bags each day even if book not finished.
- Practise spellings at home ready for our Tuesday test.
- Practise timetables 3 times a week using TTRS.
Important Dates this Term:
- 14th February: finish for half term break 3.15pm
25th February: Chester Zoo workshops in school.
4th March: Chester Zoo workshops in school.
6th March: World Book Day
10th March: British Science Week
25th March: Chester Zoo workshops in school.
2nd April: Trip to Chester Zoo
11th April: Finish for Easter holidays 2pm.