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Mrs Rathbone

Class Teacher

Mrs Cullen

Class Teacher

Miss Metcalfe

Learning Support

Mrs Millington

Learning Support

Welcome to Rome Class

We are a Year 3 and 4 Class.

Our PE days are Monday and Friday.

We have spelling homework on Seesaw and a test every Friday.


Children can earn smiley awards for good behaviour, good work, good manners, homework etc 150 smileys earns a Bronze award, 300 Silver award, 450 Gold award and 600 Platinum award.

This term we will be learning about……

In English: The Iron Man and Bill’s New Dress.
In Maths: Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.
In science: Rocks and Soils and Sound.
In RE: The Creation Story.
In History: Prehistoric Britain
In Geography: Mountains, Earthquakes and Volcanoes.
In Art: 3D Art

How to help at Home:

  • Please read with your child daily (even a couple of pages) and bring book bags each day even if book not finished.
  • Practise spellings at home ready for Friday test.
  • Practise timetables x3 a week using TTRS.

Important Dates this Term:

School Disco: 10th October 2024
Christmas Panto Visit: 5th December 2024
Christmas Jumper and Dinner Day: 12th December 2024
Christmas Carols in Church: 17th December 2024
Finish for Christmas Break: 20th December 2pm.

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