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Mrs Rathbone

Class Teacher

Mrs Cullen

Class Teacher

Miss Metcalfe

Learning Support

Mrs Millington

Learning Support

Welcome to Rome Class

We are a Year 3 and 4 Class.

Thank You for visiting our class page and for exploring our website!

In our class we aim to live out our school values and mission statement each and every day.

Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow and explore.  Our classroom is a space filled with curiosity, creativity and joy.  This year we will embark on an exciting journey of discovery, friendship and achievement.  There will be something for everybody to excel in.

Thank You for being part of our school family.  Let’s make this year an exciting one.

Our PE days are Thursday and Friday.

We have spelling homework on Seesaw and a test every Friday.


Children can earn smiley awards for good behaviour, good work, good manners, homework etc 150 smileys earns a Bronze award, 300 Silver award, 450 Gold award and 600 Platinum award.

This term we will be learning about……

English: Into the Forest and The Whale.  We will write fiction narratives and non fiction pieces based on these beautiful texts.
Maths: Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division.  We will use concrete resources and learn written methods for these calculations.
Science: we will learn how sound is made and travels and will learn about the digestive system in humans for our next topic.
History we will learn about the ancient civilisation of Greece and in Geography we will learn about human migration.
For Art we will decorate 3D masks and computing we will continue to develop our knowledge and awareness of online safety.

How to help at Home:

  • Please read with your child daily (even a couple of pages) and bring book bags each day even if book not finished.
  • Practise spellings at home ready for Friday test.
  • Practise timetables x3 a week using TTRS.

Important Dates this Term:

14th February: finish for half term break 3.15pm
25th February: Chester Zoo workshops in school.
4th March: Chester Zoo workshops in school.
6th March: Worl Book Day
10th March: British Science Week
25th March: Chester Zoo workshops in school.
2nd April: Trip to Chester Zoo
8th April: Year 4 children to make their First Confession.
11th April: Finish for Easter holidays 2pm.
23rd May: First Holy Communions

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