Mrs Cieslar
Class Teacher
Miss Colfar
Class Teacher
Miss Bradshaw
Class Teacher
Mrs McMullan
Class Teacher
Mrs D’Cruze
Learning Support
Mrs Howden
Learning Support
Miss Gurang
Learning Support
Welcome to Reception!

In Reception we have two classes – Dublin 1 and Dublin 2.
We share a classroom, a messy room and an outside area. Throughout the day we access lots of exciting provision during our independent learning times and we also take part in group activities including Read Write Inc Phonics and Power Maths.
Our learning is recorded on Seesaw and you will have received a log in to access this at home, if you need any help with this please ask.
You can also take a look at our school Twitter and Instagram pages to keep up to date with our time in school (@StAloysiusL36).
In our curriculum, there are 7 areas of learning:
Prime Areas:
- Communication and Language
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
Specific Areas:
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Dublin 1 and Dublin 2

Reading for pleasure

Climbing the mountain

Number games

Outdoor reading

Pirate ship fun

Making friends

Role play

What are we learning about this term?
Personal, Social and Emotional Development – We are developing self believe and self-confidence. We will continue to embed sharing, taking turns and playing cooperatively.
Communication and Language – Our focus text is ‘Juniper Jupiter’. We are continuing to develop language and vocabulary-based activities linked to the text.
Physical Development – We will continue to have our weekly PE session with Coach Tom.
Literacy – We are currently reading ‘Juniper Jupiter’. We will focus on being able to retell the story, using initial sounds and beginning to write CVC words and short phrases.
Maths – We will begin to look at numbers to ten. This will include addition to ten, using a tens frame and basic counting.
Understanding the World – We will learn about real life super heroes – police, fire. We will also celebrate celebration from other cultures.
Expressive Art and Design – We will take part in a range of activities linked to the celebrations from other cultures.
Throughout school ‘Smileys’ are used as part of our reward system. Children can earn smileys for many different reasons, such as following our school values and showing resilience, respect and independence.
Key Information:
Our PE day is Thursday, on this day your child can come to school wearing their PE kit. Please ensure that all items of PE kit are labelled.
Snack costs £1.50 per week and is to be paid either weekly or per half term.
How to help at home:
Please check the Seesaw app for updates about your child’s learning and to see the wonderful things they do in class. Homework is also set via Seesaw each Friday. This will include activities such as weekly sounds, number games and other home learning opportunities. At different points during the half term your child will also bring home a selection of red and green words to practise.
As children progress through their reading journey, they will, when ready, bring a reading book home to share. We ask that this is read at least three times per week. Books will be changed regularly.
You could also practise singing nursery rhymes, visiting the library and sharing stories together. Aswell as practising putting coats on and name writing.